Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Destination #6 St Louis

Destination #6 St Louis

I'm in St Louis, stopped once again at the supercharger in St Charles. This one is the one that doesnt charge a few for Model 3 so my electricity is once again free! Charged up for about 25 minutes to get to 250 miles to run around on locally and not have to stay forever when I top up to full for the trip home on (probably Monday now, not Tuesday as planned). I am visiting with a college friend tomorrow (hey Karyn) and will head home from there.

Short version of why I am heading home early? The Wingate by Wyndham in St Charles sucks. I won't get into why on here b/c it's a bit of a rant, but you can see my review of the hotel to get the whole crazy experience here if you wish. Grab your popcorn and settle in for the read!

As for today, I had mostly filled up at the Indy supercharger yesterday so I was able to top off on the 110 outlet at the hotel overnight last night. That was nice to get those last 40ish miles on there to get me to 314. Yes, I said 314. I know it is rated at 310 but nearly all of my total fill-ups have been between 312 & 314 which has been really nice! I also have been using the tezlab app to track efficiency and such and my overall efficiency for the whole trip thus far is 97%, not too bad! I can handle losing 3% of my range due to mountains, rain, seat heaters, heat, air conditioning, defrosters (front and rear) and hard accelerations all being done or used throughout most of the trip. lol

Numbers as of dinner:
miles driven: 4324.02
kwh used: 1076 (4.02 miles per kwh)
cost of electricity $102.02
cost of gas: $516.21
total savings: $411.27

*Well crap a duck. The hotel wifi isn't working so I can't upload. will do it when I get home. Sorry guys.*

edit: I'm home now, St Louis was a bit of a crazy experience with limited crappy wifi in the hotel so I couldn't post the entry above while I was there. I will follow this up with a final summary of the trip in a few minutes, but here is what I was unable to post Sunday night or Monday. :-)

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